Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions between ABC and EBC Nepal Trekking Adventure and Clients will go into immediate effect once a tour/trek booking has been made. Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

Booking of a Trip

You can book a trip in Nepal with us with an advance payment of 20% of the total cost of the trip. We will send you a detail of where to make the payment. Once you pay the 20% advance amount, your trip will be confirmed and we will send the details of the same.

To book a trip in Bhutan or Tibet with us, you will need to make an advance payment of 50% of the total cost of the trip.

Due Payment

If you have not paid the trip cost in full amount during the booking process, the due amount has to be paid on your arrival day in Kathmandu. You can pay the amount in cash in USD, AUD, GBP, CAD, SGD, HKD, Euros, and RMB etc. in denominations of 50 and 100. The bills have to be clean and new. If you are paying USD in cash, please make sure that the bills are not older than 2009 series.

Last Minute Booking

We accept last minute bookings for our multi-day trips in Nepal 10 days prior to the trip date. You will need to make a full payment of the trip cost at the time of booking and it is non-refundable in case you need to cancel.

Booking Cancellation

If you need to cancel a booking that you have made with us, you need to send a written email to us at least 30 days prior to the trip start date. In case of the cancellation of the trip, the advance deposit of 20% will not be refunded. If you have paid more than 20% of the total cost, we will deduct 20% and the rest will be refunded to you.

If the cancellation comes from our side because of some unpredictable situations, we will refund hundred percent of the advance deposit.

Preponing/Postponing/Transferring of a Trip

In case there is a need to prepone or postpone a trip that you have booked with us, you need to send a written email requesting the same and with the date you want to prepone or postpone the trip to. There will be a 20% charge to prepone or postpone the trip.

You can also transfer the trip to another person but you will be responsible to find the person to transfer the trip to. However, you need to send a written notice of trip transfer at least 40 days before the trip start date.

Cancellation of the Trip Mid-operation

Our trips will be operated on the scheduled dates. Once the trip starts and you need to quit the trip in between for whatever reason, there will be no refund of the cost. You will be responsible for all your additional cost that incurs due to the mid-operation quit.

Flight Delay/Cancellation/Helicopter Ride Cost

The weather condition in the mountains in Nepal is unpredictable. There is always a possibility of flight delays and cancellations due to the weather conditions if your trip uses a flight transportation. If your flight is delayed or cancelled due to weather condition, ABC and EBC Nepal Trekking Adventure cannot be held responsible for any extra cost incurred.

We request you to prepare yourself accordingly for such trips that use the domestic flight. Especially, if you are trekking to Everest and your flight Lukla and back to Kathmandu gets cancelled due to bad weather condition, helicopters can still fly. If there is a need to take a helicopter ride because of the cancellation of the regular flight to the mountains, you will be responsible for the extra cost incurred. We advise you to prepare for this unpredictable situation and allow yourself to have USD 550 per person (One Way) in case you need to take a helicopter flight. A helicopter carries 5 people at a time to Lukla and back to Kathmandu.

We also request you to allow yourself 1 or 2 extra days to the regular itinerary days to compensate any possible delays or cancellation so that your international departure flight is not affected. Again, in any such unfortunate situation where you need to reschedule your international flight, we will not be held responsible for it.

Travel Insurance

When you are travelling with us, you need to buy a travel insurance that covers you in any unpredictable emergency situations. We advise you to buy a reliable travel insurance to cover the activities in your itinerary. You need to make sure that your itinerary covers the altitude, flight, overland journey etc. according to the itinerary.

Your insurance should cover you for flight cancellation, illness, injury, emergency evacuation using helicopter or air ambulance, loss of baggage, equipment etc.

Travelers below 16

All travelers below 16 years on all our trips need to be accompanied by their parents or a guardian.

Privacy Policy

ABC and EBC Nepal Trekking Adventure highly respects the privacy of every traveler travelling with us. We are committed to maintaining your confidential information that you share with us and ensure you of the same.

Termination of Participation

ABC and EBC Nepal Trekking Adventure believes in operating the trip in respectful environment for everybody. We reserve the right to terminate any participant on any trip with us if their behavior is doomed unacceptable to affect other participants in the group including the guides, porters, and drivers.

We can ask you to leave the trip immediately if you are involved in any unlawful activities during the trip. In such cases, there will be no refund or compensation of the cost you paid for the trip. You will be responsible to bear the cost, if any, of the compensation caused due to your unacceptable behavior.